Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Least Developed Countries have welcomed the WTO Bali TFA. It will help to unlock some deliberate government created bottle necks. Not that government plan to have these bottle necks but that they are not doing enough to improve them on their own. My experience would tell me that these existing bottlenecks are human other institutional plants. The employees get rewards from companies or individuals who are in haste by playing facilitator.

I welcome TFA target of borders and system efficiency and/or re-engineering.  Like the National Single Window. This will be hugely welcome to MSMEs who pay too much handouts to cross the border. Poor brothers and sisters! Lets hope things will change particularly at the borders. It a shame whenever I visit border posts I see a group of cruelly police officers off main processing offices coercing individuals with loaded bicycles to give them money. The consequences have been either the cross border will not make profits(which is always not much after all) or will never come back to buy from the other side of  uniformed 'beggars'.

Am part of  planning and implementing the TFA in my country, I can't wait to start measuring the success of it or challenges.

The sad part is that we can hardly finance our ambition from local treasury office. Thank you donors and potential donor partners

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